
On Taking Better Poops

Since my last post my poops have been getting better! I’ve gotten some feedback but I have been reflecting quite a bit on this blog which in turn has made me more disciplined with my pooping. One of the changes that has made the biggest difference in my poops is to go poop when the urge strikes! This isn’t always an easy thing to do. I work at least ten hours a day, weekly, and finding time to break from work can be tricky. Thankfully, most of my colleges are aware of my lengthy poops. But in the recent months, the key to my success has been pooping when I have to poop. It’s easier to relax and each poop session takes up less time. I looked more into this and I learned why this is so. Poop consists primarily of water and it absorbs water as it passes through the intestinal system. So when you hold your poop that means the poop you have to poop has made it through your intestinal system and isn’t moving anymore. The poop is no longer absorbing water and is in fact loosing moisture! This is why it’s nearly impossible to take a good poop when you’ve been holding it.

Being calm and relaxed also makes a difference when it comes to how much you’ll be feeding that toilet. Like I was saying, I work over forty hours a week and it can get pretty stressful during these holiday months. With so much to be done in a day, how the hell is anyone supposed to find time to EAT let alone take a POOP?! I suppose if one is starving themselves, they don’t need to worry so much about their poops (perhaps something I will look more into). But for the rest of us that eat regularly throughout the day, taking time to poop when the time comes is so important. Once you have disciplined yourself to go when it’s time to go, you will find it easier to relax and calm your nerves, ease your stress, enough to take a healthy poop. The benefits don’t stop there though! You’ll feel lighter, relieved and you won’t constantly be thinking “I gotta poo!”.


Hello fellow poopers!

Welcome and thank you for choosing helpmepoop! We are all aware that pooping is a very significant step in our cycle of life. In fact, healthy pooping is just as important as getting enough rest, eating right and exercise. At the same time, it’s apparent to me that not enough attention is being paid to this part of our lives. I, for one, love talking about poop. Even if it’s just using the word in all it’s forms on a daily basis, poop plays a large roll in my life. As a matter of fact, in the past couple of years I’ve noticed that the subject of poop has become more and more popular. At first you may think I’m crazy, but if you think about it hard enough, you know how much you really love saying it.
It was only until a month ago, as I was walking to the bathroom with my laptop in hand, that I realized how great it would be to promote healthy pooping through the interwebz! Once I calmed down from the laughing fit that overcame me, I began to imagine all the good that can be done through this blog.
One benefit could be raising awareness of bad habits that lead to unhealthy pooping. These bad habits can range from diet to discipline. How many of us get enough fiber in our diets hmm? How many of us don’t take a dump session when our body needs to? The blog can also act as a sort of “safe haven”, if you will, for one to feel comfortable and relaxed while dropping a load. I know for myself, taking my mind off the fact that I’m trying to take a huge dump makes taking that dump so much easier.
There’s many more ideas that I’d like to incorporate in this blog, but I am new to it and still learning. I would love to get some feedback including any fun related topics and suggestions!

Happy Pooping!